You know that dreaded moment when you bring your s/o home for the first time? Knowing full well that your mom is going to pull out the baby book. You know the one—it's full of those photos that should never see the light of day?
Well, Argentinian photographer Irina Werning gives her subjects the chance to recreate those pictures in a new, nostalgic light. Starting in 2010, she began traveling the world and staging those same images—setting, outfit, props, and all—only with full-grown subjects. Call it the ultimate #throwbackthursday. The result? Hilarious, sentimental, cute, and just plain weird.
She began posting the photos on her blog and now she's compiled the best in her new book, Irina Werning's Back to the Future. We recommend you order your copy ASAP here, and in the meantime, check the gallery for some of our favorites.