Amy Schumer brought the raunch Sunday, when she hosted the MTV Movie Awards. But the night's most riotous moment happened mid-show, when Schumer and some friends (including Amber Rose) visited the local cineplex for some — ahem — alone time. And while we don't want spoil the funny, what we will say is this: It's encouraging to finally see a sex-positive take on masturbation from a female point of view, and demonstrate how normal it is for women to get horny. Call it: The Amy Schumer Effect.
Watch the clip below.
Check out the first exclusive clip from the MTV Movie Awards! Amy Schumer runs into Amber Rose and a bunch of other ladies on their way to see Fifty Shades of Grey and Magic Mike. Watch the Movie Awards this Sunday at 8/7C on MTV.
Posted by MTV on Thursday, April 9, 2015