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now you can make gifs with music


You know when you're browsing in the Internet while playing your favorite album on shuffle, and then suddenly, that magical moment happens where the song and the GIF to perfectly together? Yeah, it's awesome. And until now, that was a total coincidence. Thanks to super-savvy web developer Garrett Miller, you can now create your own GIF-slash-music mashup and share it with friends on his website LoudGIF.

All you have to do is find the URL for a crazy GIF and a song that you want to make it move to. Grab the URL share code for the song and copy and paste both into the "Create Your Own" tab and hit "Create." You can even add text! Watch your creation on the big screen, then copy the share link and show it off to your BFFs.

Warning: This is totally addicting so make sure you set aside a good amount of time to mashup your two favorite things before you get into it.

What did I make Lisa Simpson dance to? Find out by clicking here!

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